Frequently Asked Questions

Where will I spend eternity?

There are only two main places mentioned in the Bible to spend eternity:

Heaven – where people will live forever

Hell/Lake of Fire – where people will die forever.

There is no third option.

How good do I have to be to go to heaven?

In order to go to heaven, you and I would need to be perfect – even in your bloodline. Even if you could live from a child to the point that you pass away and never lie (not even stretching the truth slightly), cheat, steal, take the Lord’s name in vein, or have an impure thought, you cannot enter heaven. Why can you not enter heaven if you have been perfect (and let’s be honest, you and I have not been perfect no matter how much we wish to believe it)? The reason is that our sin nature is passed down from our fathers. We were sinners when we were born.

How to I get saved?

Please see the page on Salvation

What is the church?

The church of Jesus Christ is an assembly of born again and scripturally baptized believers joined together in the fellowship of doctrine and observing of doctrine and observing the ordinances and commandments of God. We believe that the New Testament Church is independent, that it owes no allegiance to any tribunal except the authority of Jesus Christ. This renders the church autonomous. Its officers are pastors and decons.

What is baptism?

We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a regenerate believer by a scripturally qualified administrator in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost as an outward testimony of an inward faith; that such administrator must have the authority of a scriptural church.

What is the Lord’s supper?

We believe that the Lord’s supper is a partaking of unleavened bread and fruit of the vine for the purpose of showing the Lord’s death till he come. Only those who have been properly saved, baptized, and received into the fellowship of the scriptural church and continue in the apostle’s doctrine and fellowship are entitles to partake of the Lord’s supper. Therefore, we serve the Lord’s Supper to our local membership only.